streaming (haiku chain)

at year’s end we try

to let what’s done and doing

settle in our minds


our memories edit

us in a flowing sequence

like a narrative


mishmashing hot nights

that wake lush fantasies of

love made (up) just right


as kaleidoscopic

impressions make up all our lives,

bye bye bygones stream


a vision of us

on waking up in beds we

don’t quite remember


to be joyful we should

see life as though providence

really worked for us:


(without edits like

random words our streamed stories

make no kind of sense)


our dreams of bliss are

real when woke in each other’s

arms in homely beds


each day we give fresh

meaning to lives streaming by

loving each other




freddie omm

new year’s eve 2019


The kaleidoscope collage is made up of kaleidoscope photos which I shot of various subjects over the past few days, including Coco the Dog, trees and skies, our Christmas tree, etc.