
Mistletoe clusters

On tall bare wintry poplars,

Pale, poisoned berries


Sowing witches’ brooms

With Saturnalian seed

To spread love’s shrouding


Solstice potency:

Nurturing nest, fast food for birds,

Spring’s bees, butterflies


But all’s veiled, still, now—

This short midwinter moment

Death’s reared in beauty


Breeds life in sticky

Clinging, skeletal branches,

Mistletoe clusters.





  1. James Wood says

    “Saturnalian seed” is good.

    It contains the mixed aspects of procreation and festivity and love and liberation with the more ominous and disquieting aspects of death, dissolution, disorder. Saturn was freed from his Temple only during the Saturnalia.

  2. Camilla Levan says

    More to the point, it’s about mistletoe—the sacred Saturnalian plant of orgiastic solstice revels to which all—master, servant, slave, all come together!

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