Untitled Haiku

Poets play with words

like kids with toys – in this way

We all are poets


(When our thoughts are cut

up full of rage we need a



If we want to make

things complicated we get

Polysyllabic) –


We all play with words

to shape our worlds according

to our needs and wants:


Whether or not we

think life’s a game, only words

can change the metaphor.




Freddie Omm

30 January 2020




I wrote and published this one on the same morning – this morning. Like many other recent haiku, it is based on one of Philippe de Saint Maurice’s Meditations. The photo was taken on Scheveningen beach recently. The pawprints in the sand are Coco the Dog’s (the copyright, to all of it of course, remains mine!).


  1. So nice!

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