
I followed a path

thinking that it led somewhere

but it’s ended here—


It isn’t the road

not taken so much as the

untakeable road—


Follow my advice:

don’t follow a path—choose the

made up, pathless ways.




freddie omm

january 2021


with apologies to robert frost’s road not taken

– the poem is based on a meditation of Philippe de Saint Maurice

ventura beach revisited

                      Freddie in Ventura


those amber sunsets

never set but hung in mind

resplendent always


many years before

this beach and all that’s on it

were now, were mine


time was not what it

now is nor is becoming

each moment stayed whole


the waves held me fast

while the wind blew permanence

over solid sand


gulls sat in the sky

as if transfixed or painted

by a maker’s hand




a kid on a beach

– in the timeless space of life –

that kid’s always now




freddie omm

ventura, september 2019


The first of my haiku chains about Ventura beach was published here in December 2014: on ventura beach. I wrote this new one and took the photo while revisiting the beach last week. Here’s a shorter edit of the poem on Instagram.


we don’t honour time

enough sometimes we forget

each moment’s passing


life’s woke in a dream –

desires’ dissolving seasons –

delusional days


sprung on by mad gods

our fantasies in the flesh

dissipating time


narcoticised nights

splinter in breaking trance beats

time’s passing fancies


like comets’ bright tails

outgassing in orbital

periods of coma


millennial hours

centuries past in seconds

lit by mortal suns


we wake in our beds

making lifetimes’ catwalk love

cosmic comedy


ethereal hopes

brighten our dreams like comets

blazing through black night






Meditations of Philippe de Saint Maurice, which I’m editing and transforming into haiku, will be published by Mad Bear Books. The Meditations offer insights into spiritual growth. I’ll be posting a few in advance here, interspersed with other work.

The first was gulls.

The second is surf:

our loves are dolphins

weaving wild unwinding waves

in and out of sight


our sentiments are seals

on rocks submerged in ocean

slicked in ceaseless tides


our thoughts’ sea lions

flap and flip on cold bare shores

to breed in rookeries


our lives’ deep mysteries

will swim and sink and drift through

phosphorescing seas


like drops in quick waters

loves, thoughts, lives are liquid

flowing surfing beings




freddie omm

june 2019

text by freddie omm, header pic by pagie page, footer pic by daniel h. tong


Meditations of Philippe de Saint Maurice, which I have edited and transformed into haiku and haiku chains, will soon be published by Mad Bear Books. The Meditations offer insights into spiritual growth, and I shall be posting some of them in advance here, interspersing them with my other work.

The first is gulls:

since I first could think

I always thought that thought

will turn me mad


like gull-crawing skies

thoughts can sound portentous as though

from other species


voices like aliens

we think into being as

thought will think us mad


words crawl crazy like

lingual creatures who can fly

from our mind’s planet


whether in rage or

loving-kindness – we know no more

than if we were gulls


fly into the sun

illuminate a last thought:

they. we. light. are one




freddie omm

text by freddie omm – title pic by thought catalogue – footer pic by yifei chen

woke like song (haiku chain invocation) – for all the lovers everywhere


open up like song

let music play us sing us

melodising us


we two wrapped in heat –

loose entangled limbs like riffs

of carnal melody


interlaced and lit

lasciviously dangerous

lullabying life


our bodies pick up

the pumping of each other’s

heartbeat rhythms


in our love for us

we’re lyrical and languorous

climax in chorus


wild music wakes us

enchanting and shaking us

open like song


our skin pricked with notes

glissando licks quickening us

like a morning shower


in our love for us

in trust in truth we give tongue

to life’s loving song


II – envoi:


for all the lovers

who grew lonely as time passed

silencing their space –


music of the spheres

come join us close together

sing us woke in song!




freddie omm

may 2019


photo by spencer imbrock

veneralia (love changelings) – haiku chain

love is unchanging

but like the moon looks different

with each month coming


from bright new closeness

of a full worm supermoon*

illuminating us

transfiguring all

the sleeping world with budding

love awakenings


as each mood succeeds

mood and sad and happy mix

we’re changelings in love


our inconstancy

moves, begets us, forgot in

guiltless venery


our loves’ festival:

bathe in the pools of Venus

crowned with myrtle


rediscover the

endless beauty of new fresh

never ending loves





  • Veneralia was a festival held on 1 April in honour of Venus, Goddess of Love (Aphrodite to the Greeks). Women bathed together, crowned in myrtle, in the goddess’ honour. The festival was specifically focused on Venus’ attribute as Venus Verticordia – alluding to an aspect of the goddess as a “changer of hearts” – in this case, her ability to transform lustful love into chaste or platonic love. In this poem, the changing of hearts is seen in the context of a constancy of love that continues even when the love objects change.
  • *On 21 March 2019, the Spring Equinox, there was a full worm super moon. Looking from my window in The Hague, I saw an irradiated sky of swift moving clouds whose intermittent gaps opened a flood of stunning illuminations. They lit up everything like the flash of sudden universal compassion that can come with a new love, undermining cynicism and suffusing all in a bath of warm golden light.
  • Photos by Timothy Dykes and Guzman Burquin; Venus Verticordia by Dante Gabriel Rossetti.

there’s something wrong with… (V)

#haiku by freddie omm; photo by saltanat zhursinbek

there’s something wrong with.. (IV)

#haiku by freddie, pic by david clode via unsplash

there’s something wrong with… (III)

#haiku by freddie, photo by charles via unsplash

there’s something wrong with… (II)

#haiku, photo by freddie

freddie omm’s Sicilian Haiku, illustrated by lucy henshall, will be published by Mad Bear Books this summer.

there’s something wrong with…


Freddie Omm”s Sicilian Haiku will be published this summer by Mad Bear Books.

valentine possibilities (haiku couple)

each love is a kiss

melting and mingling – messed-up

unmissable bliss


each kiss is a sign:

unspoken love awoken –

timeless Valentine




freddie omm

14 february 2019


(illustration by annie spratt via unsplash)

twelfth night, 1296 – floris’ epiphany in the hall of knights – as if feasting

Floris V van Holland

Early in January 1296, Floris V leaves his court in The Hague for Paris, where – against his better wishes – he switches Holland’s ancient alliance with England to one with France. This sparks off treachery among some of Floris’ nobles, leading to his murder in June.


in his hall of knights –

mental topers, tumblers, ravers

– mad din of needy bingeing gluttons


smoke-shrouds cling to blackened beams

minstrels mock those braying, belching goblet-brandishers

ranting voices drunk


alone in that crowd

and at its centre, he sits

a silent moment.



thoughts like words unborn

in a womb of forgetting

flit through his spirit


scared of too much thought

(which drinking puts a stop to

– as if thoughts could drown):



sacred hopes, our wished-for dreams

float off like swans when we awake

they glide off on the glossy glassy lake


worn out by living

(which dying puts an end on

– as if our lives first wear, then strip us bare).


as if as if as

if, in drinking, sleep and dreams

and thoughts and words all drowned like shipwrecked memories


and yet and yet and

yet we live and breathe and feed our fates,

our lives float free of us.



he sits with his knights,

his ladies, fools, his dogs and serfs and clowns

one sated, bloated, slumbering moment


comes as if to himself

in the din of that great hall

on his island in the lake –


sees in that moment

the ghosts of future feasting,

woken when he wakes.



twelfth night, 2018



Binnenhof The Hague in about 1290

Hall of Knights (Ridderzaal), Binnenhof, The Hague in the eighteenth century

new year 1296, the hague – floris wakes in the binnenhof (five haiku)

fazed, floris looks out

across the lake from his tower:

chilled, sluggish morning –


his household sleeping

off the feast, he’s alone, but for

the stork and the swan


one roosting above

on the roof, one swimming below –

fog-filled sky foreboding.


he rises from the bed

behind the banqueting hall,

kisses his lover –


blessing his domain

– his folk, that mindless morning –

his dark fate untold.


new year’s day 2018

evening, munsterkerk roermond – seasonal remnants: four haiku


round the munsterkerk

the Christmas market’s dark, stands

and stalls shuttered up:


seasonal crowds withdrawn

– spaces of singular silence –

no one left but us


contemplating change

in the temples of our heart

where gods die and live


lamps hung from abbey trees,

spotlit abbey walls, cast light

over us remnants.



december 2017

winter solstice: christmas blessing – five haiku

this winter solstice

as I love you, love me –

our Christmas blessing:

living loving both –

 if life means anything

let our thing be love.

longest, darkest night,

while Wodan hunts with ghosts all yearning

through skies of glowing spirits

may that night purge us all

those ghosts be at peace, in love

again with living


in shadowlands of love:

as I love you, love me

this winter solstice.



winter solstice 2017

scatterseeded love – a sonnet


because I am a poet I love words
that cover up as much as they discover
my otherness, my flights so fanciful to you, my lover
whose wit and song and thought fly free like bees, like hummingbirds –

because you are my lover my true words
close in zooming close-up on our love, which uncovers
inborn lusts, carnal nectars nestling embryonic deep in us – we lovers
so innerly loved – when up we pair in passion, flock as birds

to cling and fuck and flick like flames all through the sweet warm night
like lit, scatterseeded sex, love’s godlike joy’s in flight –

because our gods come multiply, we lovers
– synthesizing each in one, seedlings whose flowering recovers

lush, latent lyric life – transplant into our words
love’s being, life’s meaning – innate and fecund like nectar, bees and hummingbirds.



 hollywood kilonova

in hollywood, our

sublunar gutter-cosmos,

the walk of fame shames


collapsed stars, black holes

collide, merge – an afterglow

of platinum, gold


counterstellar dust,

like that brute shapeshifter’s lust

ravishing Leda


rapist in swan’s form:

sky father, king of gods, power

launched in Helen’s face


engendering revenge –

Iphigenia, Clytaemnestra

and Argos dead (the dog…)


this darkwebbed media:

supernova’d starfuckers

named, shamed, bollocked up


chorus of neutron sleaze:

lost starlets – tricked-, sucked-, fucked-up –

patriarch swansong


now mobs bay and rip

lives apart in shitstorm tweets

of #metoo fascism


in our black hole of fame

everyone’s-got-it-infamy –

carry on hollywood.



october 2017

zuiderstrand, the hague

from boardwalks buried
in the bed of that steep dune

you step on the beach –


sandscapes shift, air-borne,

you’re a visitor here, as

timelessly moving


as sea waves wash off

infinite fictions of earth –

mere specks on a spot in space.



october 2017

sun, sand, sky and sea – haiku chain

sun, sand, sky and sea:

here i sit and write my words


as my dog chasing birds

– or their chatter when they flee –

sense is to words

seeking expression –

while we too might seek release

in sweet sensation

loving inner peace,

our minds, our bodies set free –

revel in release

merge into ocean

like a riff of poetry

in tidal passion

shore’s simplicity

sweet edge of comprehension:

sun, sand, sky and sea

zuiderstrand, the hague – 6 may 2017

misty snowy easter – zell am see-kaprun – a sonnet

every time I glance out of the window, love,
grey clouds slink down into our valley deep

and filter out all colour: grey above,

below, and grey behind our balcony when sleep
creeps up like time on light, and all around our space

the mist coils spreading from the glacier

of kitzsteinhorn, and river salzach’s waters race

and roil beyond the moor’s dark clumps of birch and alder
where wagtail, dipper, and sad willow warbler

chatter cross the fens beside the spa’s hot springs.
around us in the town, the fog clings

to the streets, a scattering of ghosts without a face –
we sip a schnapps, our spirits warm, and love

each other, smiling, dissolved into the place.


Mid-April 2017

soho sunday


Ganton Street Soho.
In a café called Sacred:
Small blue sky crossed

With pink, white lightbulbs,
Old facades of painted brick.
The dog is panting

The poet is waiting
On the pavement footfalls pass
By shops, tourists snap.

Summer 2016

on ventura beach: haiku chain

ventura keys bay

ventura keys bay


borne on a loose-tongued tide

when dolphins sang in our bay,

i swam alongside.


learning my english

in california, oh yeah –

i dug those endless sands


west of ventura keys

soaked up the lingo in waves,

loghorreic seas,


chilled long days drunk down

so deep, my first summer of love,

synaesthetized like


a child of the sun –

honey-skied strands, peacemeal love,

kool-aid cookied, fun!


like surf out of reach,

lyrics drift through smoke-tinged breeze

on ventura beach.


kool-aid cookies

kool-aid cookies



who am i (lana wachowski)

for lana wachowski


… who am i, and when

wachowski to wachowska


was there a moment

before i became me? – no,

and yet i wonder…


what turns us queerly

recast in a different film

to act against type?


(type?) (without a face?)

life’s not some single screenplay…

(type?) (without a cast?)


we ask ourselves this

not knowing if an answer

ever was, will be:


never yet someone,

neither a nonentity

nor quite nobody


mostly we don’t ask

for fear of wondering, lost

in rapt selflessness


one eye on the road

which tears our lives inside out

one hand on the wheel


and we become one

body, not anybody,

don’t ask who am i…


22nd January 2014


i admire lana wachowski’s work a lot and also her general attitude to stuff (as far as one can make out from her few public statements) – she combines humour with intelligence and experimentation – artistic bravery, openminded energy, a sense of inspirational anarchy…

i wrote this poem in one go last night just after i’d been thinking about her life so far.

(it is likely to get edited, tweeted and played with, being in the nature of an experiment, one of my haiku chains…)

Jackals and Arabs

This little parable, like a fairy story, is utterly unlike most people’s idea of Kafka, reading like an enigmatic tale for children:

Jackals and Arabs

a place where jackals and arabs might meet

a place where jackals and arabs might meet

Reading this story to his daughters – and seeing their delighted reaction – inspired Matthue Roth to create My First Kafka: Runaways, Rodents, and Giant Bugs, which is published this week.

The idea is long overdue – for almost a century, Kafka has been imprisoned in a Kafkaesque prison not of his own making.

It’s high time someone set him free.

translating keyserling

eduard von keyserling’s masterpiece of literary impressionism, waves (wellen), has never been translated into english before.

it is now being attempted over on oomkenscom

the bay of puck on the baltic sea, setting of keyserling's "waves".

the bay of puck on the baltic sea, setting of keyserling’s “waves”.



The Great Gatsby (the novel) Flayed

Great Gatsby movie poster

Hilarious debunking, by Kathryn Schulz, of The Great Gatsby.

If I don’t agree wholly, it’s because I think the novel’s iconic stature is deserved. In persuading us of its greatness, its shortness helps, too – allowing readers to supply a lot of the thematic power Fitzgerald merely sketches in.

Having said that, Schulz does land some telling punches – “third person sanctimonious” is good as the narrative voice Fitzgerald gave Nick in Gatsby – and this was something which someone just had to say roundabout now, with the umpteenth (well, fifth) Hollywood treatment  hitting the screens.

Schulz: Why I Despise The Great Gatsby — Vulture.

4 years’ prison for stabbing sister in Swedish ‘honour killing’ case

swedish honour killing victim

Her brother was only 16 when he stabbed her more than 100 times, in April 2012.

She’d returned to Sweden a year before, fleeing an arranged marriage in Iraq.

Knowing the possible consequences of her brother’s concern for the family “honour”, she always slept with a knife under her pillow.

Local authorities, terrified of upsetting sensitivities, ignored repeated warnings from the anti-honour-killing group Tank.

The boy duly killed his sister. Originally sentenced to eight years, that sentence has been halved in light of his age at the time of his crime.


Court slashes sentence in ‘honour killing’ case – The Local.

david foster wallace on planet trillaphon

david foster wallace–lavishly admired depressive and novelist who killed himself eight years ago–is the subject of three new books now reviewed by thomas meaney, who concludes, in a mixed metaphor of baroque exuberance, that:

to be the master distiller of the times for a generation is no small feat. It requires a willingness to dirty your hands in the culture to a point at which most novelists would flinch. It means being willing to swallow boredom whole.

wallace’s greed for drugs was, apparently, as epic as the taste for tedium meaney ascribes to him, but neither could numb his life-consuming depressions.

he poured his preoccupations with modern life’s minutiae into knowing post-modernist prose, intellectually flashy, emotionally absent.

his reverential treatment of items which used to be thought unworthy of such (TV pre-eminent among them) is getting tired and dated today, but his books are beautifully emblematic of his time.

David Foster Wallace on Planet Trillaphon | TLS.

the vase of soissons

Bunny de Neude

bunny de neude is a burlesque artiste in the thriller i’m writing.

by coincidence, there’s a square in utrecht called de neude, on which stands this statue, thinker on a rock, by barry flanagan.

it is a cross between rodin’s thinker and bugs bunny.

Bunny de Neude (Thinker on a Rock) by Barry Flanagan